Setup Walkthrough

Step 1: Create Game & Backend Configs

The plugin will automatically set up several config files that will get you hooked up to Rivet and OpenGB. These are the following:

  • backend.json: Configuration for how OpenGB should run
  • Override values from backend.json, useful for separating your development and production environments
  "modules": {
    "users": {},
    "rate_limit": {},
    "tokens": {},
    "lobbies": {
      "config": {
        "lobbies": {
          "regions": ["local"],
          "backend": {
            "localDevelopment": {
              "tags": { "test": "5" },
              "ports": {
                "game": { "protocol": "udp", "port": 7777 }
    "rivet": {}

Step 2: Generated Backend SDK

The Rivet plugin uses Open Game Backend (OpenGB) to connect your game to Rivet.

This works by automatically generating an API for each OpenGB module that is being used. You can see each of the default modules that are being added in the base repo.

Step 3: Setup Multiplayer Scene

This step copies an existing Godot scene into your project that already includes nodes to test out connecting to Rivet

Step 4: Test Multiplayer Locally

Now that we have the scene set up, we can make sure that we can start a multiplayer game locally. For this, we'll use Godot's debug functionality to enable multiple game clients at once.

Step 5: Deploy To Server

Finally, we can try deploying our game server to Rivet. This will use Docker to create a build of the server locally, and then upload it to Rivet so that it can be deployed globally.

Edit Backend Config

You can learn more about the backend configuration in the OpenGB documentation. Within the context of the Godot plugin, there are a few important items to note with OpenGB:

  • TODO

Configure Lobbies

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